The Rise of Consciousness

Stanislav Matveev
5 min readMar 21, 2023


The Rise of Consciousness


He who remembers understands.

Consciousness appears as the ability to successfully respond to external stimuli, known as memes. Consciousness was developed by copying someone else’s behavior programs. Subsequently, consciousness developed into the ability to control behavior, this includes other people and devices.

These abilities relied on millions of stored behavior programs. Read-only memory (ID) and variable memory (EGO).

On this journey we explore copying to managing the unknown.

Consciousness is the ability to choose an adequate response to external stimuli known as memes.

The choice comes from the matrix (ID and EGO) of the memory of behavioral programs accumulated over millions of years of development, by copying the most successful ones.

Our matrix was born in the abyss of the oceans. There were many millions of us, and each of us developed in our own way due to copying errors (Dawkins).

The Matrix of Programs of Behavior was created, obeying the dogma of the trinity and reflection ( copying ), as a universal property of matter, creating three main programs of behavior:

- the energy creation program,

- the program of absorption of energy of other matrices (predation),

- the program of joining the energy of other matrices ( parasitism).

By copying millions of their original matrices ( Dawkins ) with errors , we obtain billions of carriers of matrices of behavior programs. (Darwin called this process variability). They copied not only themselves, but also successful behavior programs of each other.

As a result, due to attachment and absorption, many complex structures were formed with complex matrices of behavior programs.

Such a matrix is controlled by a dispatcher known as ID. (This is based on mythology).

The ability of the Matrix ID to choose a successful response to incoming memes determined the emergence of the primary consciousness of the matrix .

The response of the matrix consisted of the execution of a set of behavioral programs in a specific sequence. Thousands of years of stable existence have given rise to successful stable logical combinations of behavior programs that are referred to as an archetype .

Our matrix with its stable programs of behavior is found in a tribe. To survive, it is necessary to adapt to the rules of behavior that are formed in relationships among fellow tribesmen. The successful behavioral rules of EGO 1 are copied into our EGO matrix .

EGO is a variable memory that can be adjusted when the copied rules of the tribe’s behavior change. Our matrix became more complex and began to consist of ID and EGO is from the permanent and variable memory programs of behavior.

ID is a controller of a matrix of permanent biological behavioral programs with permanent memory.

EGO is a manager of the matrix of variables of social programs of behavior with variable memory.

Different programs of behavior were remembered at different times. The same structure of memes could evoke different archetypes from the matrix archives (Dolnik). And then the wandering mind (notes) spends significant kilocalories to make an optimal decision.

The separate existence of human programs of behavior in the form of ID and EGO gave rise to the duality of human nature.

In order to save kilocalories, a new triad of behavior programs arises: lies (slander), imitation of activity, hidden meaning.

The secondary consciousness of the matrix is born .

Stereotypes in our imaginary visions . They are stored in EGO1 in an imaginary archive in the form of spirits. In order to save kilocalories of each tribesman, the priest, leader and prince become the interpreter and keeper of EGO1. It is beneficial for each ordinary individual not to strain his mind, but to ask advice from this trinity. The Trinity, in addition to interpretation and storage, developed and implemented rules of conduct for the distribution of public resources, which they monopolized and left in EGO1 .

But EGO1 also needs to save kilocalories, and our trinity creates ID1 — an archive of memory of the rules of behavior of the tribe in the form of writing. They started with tax collection — the geometry of Euclid.

Over time, the rules for the behavior of the hidden meaning between ID and EGO (essence) in the form of a rule of conduct for the cover between ID1 and EGO1 (manifestation form) flourished very luxuriously. However, stability can also be broken here . To solve the problems of hidden meaning, matrices of behavior programs with tertiary consciousness are needed .

The rules of conduct go beyond relationships within the tribe and form the rules of the game between the tribes of EGO2 , which determine our entire history and are stored in government archives. Wars and conflicts, diplomacy and bribery, negotiations and poisoning. Resolving conflicts between EGO2 and ID2 require a quaternary consciousness .

Meanwhile, the number of rules of conduct in the ID1 archives is growing rapidly. To find the information you need, you need to spend kilocalories for each individual.

Permanent memory ID3 in the form of computers solves this problem. Now it has become easy to extract information from memory. We need rules for the universal control of the fivefold consciousness , which are concentrated in EGO3.

But our desire for happiness, saving personal kilocalories goes further, and a personal assistant appears in our pockets like in fairy tales. Phone with ID functions ID4 .

He knows everything: how to speak, how to behave, he can tell you about who approached you. All these actions occur due to copying and remembering your constant behavior programs that you perform. Rules for the universal control of the sixfold consciousness should be in EGO4 .

But there are already too many of us, and ID4 will fill up soon. And then somewhere in Lapland a permanent memory ID5, was created, which takes over part of the volume of ID4. This optimizes and allocates all memory. This memory knows everyone and can predict their behavior for the near future ( Zuboff ). The rules of universal knowledge have a sevenfold knowledge .

A new virtual world has appeared in our imagination, in which our souls finally act according to the same rules.

And we ended up in the seventh heaven, to which all the fairy-tale characters of all the myths of all people aspire.



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