Stanislav Matveev
2 min readMay 20, 2021


To Look into a Soul. 9) The behavior programs and behavior rules.

To Look into a Soul. 9) The behavior programs and behavior rules.

If the model responds to external influences and is not contradictory , then it probably exists in reality ( as a model of Lobachevsky’s geometry).

If you notice an error in our scheme and prove it with arguments, then you will receive a 100 bonus 100 dollars.

In the eighth part, we examined the beginning and development of our model.

Behavior programs began to form complex structures.

Each structure should provide:

-synthesis of protein structures;

-absorption of protein structures;

-parasitism on protein structures;

-copying your structures;

-protections against absorption by a foreign structures.

New structures must orient themselves in the world around them and use the necessary programs of behavior. The world around us is changing and previous persistent behaviors may not provide a survival advantage. There should be programs of behavior that can be flexibly changed and stored separately, and most importantly, programs of behavior that allow copying other people’s programs of behavior that have yielded a positive result in the struggle for survival.

Formations of individuals appear in the form of packs. The flock provides a saving of kilocalories for each individual by copying behavior programs. Rules of conduct appear with necessity, transforming them into programs of behavior. Rules of conduct are collective programs of behavior that allow the flock to survive. Copying mistakes errors occur, and to pack existed and had a competitive advantage over other packs is necessary that specimens synchronously spruce, multiplied and moved.

A new structure appears, consisting of individuals that must synchronously perform their functions.

This structure must be fastened vertically and horizontally.

Vertical — the rules of behavior of the hierarchical structure, fixed by the programs of behavior of individuals ( according to Konrad Lorentz) :



-Tracking rating.

Horizontally, the bonds between the members of the coalition ( according to Yural Noach Harari ) are held together by daily intimate communication: hugs, strokes, kisses, mutual favors, protecting children and each other.

